Saddle up for a flavorful ride with The Buckaroo! It may be a quarter, but it's chock-full of cowboy-approved cuts that'll make your taste buds kick up their heels! From savory steaks to robust roasts, each cut is a mouthwatering homage to the spirit of the wild west. So grab your hat and wrangle in the flavor – with The Buckaroo, you're in for a tasty trail ride like no other!
Quarter beef Bundle 80 lbs. of packaged meat
We recommend 3-4 cubic feet of freezer space
The Buckaroo - Quarter Cow
The Buckaroo roughly includes:
3 packages of cubed steaks/carne asada
2 Packages of Rib/Ribeye steaks (2 steaks per package)
2 Packages of Sirloin steaks ( 2 per package)
2 Packages New York Strip Steaks (2 per package)
1 Packages Filet Mignon Steaks ( 2 per packages
3 Chuck roasts (2 lb. roasts)
1 Sirloin Tip Roasts ( 2 lb. roasts)
2 Packages of beef for stew (1-1.5lb packages)
35-40 lbs. of ground beef (1 or 2 lb. packages)
o Optional * T-bone steaks* if you prefer T-bone steaks they will take the place of the New York Strip and File Mignon
All local orders are shipped for free. We can also accomodate to what day you would like your order delivered, otherwise we will deliver it on Thursdays.